Category: Social Movement
For the Sixth Berlin Biennal, Marc Boulos mounts a video installation (that you can see above), with two channels facing one another: on one screen the rebels, on the other the traders. The goal, however, is not to...
Bangkok is the venue of bloodshed these days. The number of dead and injured people rises every couple of days. It had all started with a different sort of bloodshed in March this year, when many demonstrators against the government...
What happens to the world when you wake up one day and get the news that your loved one is in “Evin” prison (The Iranian detention center for political detainees), or worse, that they have been taken off life-support, and buried, without an...
In ‘Experience and Poverty’, Benjamin embraces glass architecture as a revolutionary change of collective experience. Glass architecture, he states, dissolves the distinction between interior and exterior and annuls the possibility of the secret, of a hermetically closed self-assuring worldview. ‘Glass...
Qu’y a-t-il en commun entre la grève des mineurs du cuivre de janvier 2010 et la grève des travailleurs du salpêtre de 1907 ? Rien d’autre que la présence du minerai comme source de richesse. Le cuivre représente aujourd’hui 35% des...
Une version française de ce résumé se trouve ici. Abstract of PhD Thesis. Author : Marc Berdet. Title : Social Movement and Phantasmagorias in The Arcades Project. A Ragpicker’s Historical-Sociological Reasoning. Language : French. Members of the jury : Alain Gras...